We’re excited to share that Mariami Simashvili, our co-owner and director, has been spotlighted in GULF TODAY. In her interview, Mariami reflects on her artistic journey and offers insights into the promising future of First Wish Art Gallery.

“Mariami Simashvili hails from Telavi, Georgia. A pediatric doctor at Aversi Clinic and an artist by passion, since 2021, she has been a part of First Wish Art Gallery (FWAG), where she also serves as a co-owner and managing partner. She handles the gallery business and is now growing it in Europe. Besides being a doctor, she is prominent in Georgia life as a talented visual artist. Colours are all for her and she believes every sensation has its own colour. Oil painting and acrylic artwork are her most favourite mediums. First Wish is currently on a Mission World Tour Exhibition Project, about which more below. Mariami Simashvili speaks to Gulf Today from Georgia.”

We’re thrilled to announce that our co-owner and director, Mariami Simashvili, is featured in the latest issue of გაზეთი აჭარა ! A huge thank you to their amazing team for this incredible opportunity.

 In the interview, Mariami discusses her journey as an artist and the exciting future of First Wish Art Gallery.

Media Coverage by famous Arabic News Channel Al Mashhad Media, || || Love & Peace for All Exhibition - Amman, Jordan - February 12, 2024
Dear Al Mashhad Media, We deeply appreciate your thorough coverage of our "Love & Peace for All" International Group Art Exhibition at the Royal Cultural Center in Amman, Jordan. Your support in highlighting cultural diversity is invaluable. Thank you so much! (Irshad Husain - Founder, First Wish Art Gallery)
Media Coverage by Arabic-language satellite television network Channel Alhurra TV, || Love & Peace for All Exhibition - Amman, Jordan - February 12, 2024
Dear Alhurra TV, We extend our sincere gratitude for the exceptional coverage of our recent "Love & Peace for All" International Group Art Exhibition. Your comprehensive reporting on our event, broadcasted to audiences across the Middle East and North Africa, was instrumental in highlighting the cultural diversity and significance of our exhibition. With heartfelt thanks, (Irshad Husain - Founder, First Wish Art Gallery)

Media Report published by the official website of the Ministry of Culture Amman, Jordan 🇯🇴 - February 12, 2024

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Ministry of Culture in Jordan for their generous support and assistance in promoting our exhibition. We sincerely appreciate their efforts.
Jordan is our 6th international exhibition in 2024 and part of our ambitious International Project – MISSION WORLD TOUR EXHIBITIONS –  30 Countries & 30 Exhibitions
Venue 📍 Cultural Center, Amman, Jordan

Media Publication About Jordan Exhibition - Love & Peace for All - Feb 12 - 14, 2024 by

Jordan is our 6th international exhibition in 2024 and part of our ambitious International Project.
MISSION WORLD TOUR EXHIBITIONS –  30 Countries & 30 Exhibitions
Venue 📍 Cultural Center, Amman, Jordan
The ribbon – cutting ceremony was gracefully performed by Chief Guest Dr. Hussein Daghimat, Head of the ministry of culture, Fine Arts, Amman, Jordan 🇯🇴, accompanied by Guests of honour Mr. Shalva Sabauri and Mr. Freddy Tavazde from the Georgian Embassy 🇬🇪

Media Publication About Jordan Exhibition - Love & Peace for All - Feb 12 - 14, 2024 by

Jordan is our 6th international exhibition in 2024 and part of our ambitious International Project.
MISSION WORLD TOUR EXHIBITIONS –  30 Countries & 30 Exhibitions
Venue 📍 Cultural Center, Amman, Jordan
Grand opening of Love & Peace for all International Group Art Exhibition organized, unfolded in a spectacular ceremony on February 12 2024.
Featuring 35 artists, 35 art works from 14 different countries, this exhibition proved a vibrant celebration of Cultural diversity.
Telavi, Georgia - Media coverage by TV Tanamgzavri - Telavi History Musuem International Exhibition - 2nd Edition, October 5 - 10, 2023
Dear TV Tanamgzavri, We want to express our sincere gratitude for your exceptional media coverage of our recent exhibition at the Telavi History Museum - 2nd Edition, held from October 5th to 10th, 2023. Your unwavering support significantly contributed to the resounding success of this event. Your dedication to sharing art and culture with the world is deeply appreciated. With profound thanks, Irshad Husain - Founder, First Wish Art Gallery

Media Publication About Italy Exhibition - Sep 12 - 16, 2023 by La Voce News Paper, Rome – Italy

New Paper print publicaition in La Voce on page 21 – 12-9-2023
Click on Read More for details.

Media Publication About Italy Exhibition - Sep 12 - 16, 2023 by Museum Venanzo Crocetti , Rome – Italy

Vernissage: September 12th, 2023 @ 17:00
Evento Realizzato da: First Wish Art Gallery, fondata da Irshad Husain & Mariami Simashvili
In rappresentanza delle seguenti nazioni:
Georgia, India, Iran, Japan, Korea, Sweden, Syria, Egypt, UAE, Pakistan, Srilanka, UK

Media Publication About Italy Exhibition - Sep 12 - 16, 2023 by

Vernissage: September 12th, 2023 @ 17:00
La First Wish Art Gallery, fondata da Irshad Husain e Mariami Simashvili, è un punto di riferimento nel panorama dell’arte contemporanea per la missione dichiarata di coinvolgere nazioni, culture e artisti. Il loro audace progetto “realizzare un tour mondiale con 30 mostre in altrettanti Paesi” va letto come un inno alla potenza dell’arte nel superare barriere, costruire ponti e creare un linguaggio visivo universale che travalica le differenze e celebra la connessione tra le persone.

Media Publication About Italy Exhibition - Sep 12 - 16, 2023 by

Italy is our 5th international exhibition in 2023 and part of our ambitious International Project.
MISSION WORLD TOUR EXHIBITIONS –  30 Countries & 30 Exhibitions
Venue 📍 Museum Venanzo Crocetti, Rome – Italy
Address: Via Cassia, 492, 00189 Roma
Vernissage: September 12th, 2023 @ 17:00

Media Publication About Italy Exhibition - Sep 12 - 16, 2023 by

Italy is our 5th international exhibition in 2023 and part of our ambitious International Project.
MISSION WORLD TOUR EXHIBITIONS –  30 Countries & 30 Exhibitions
Venue 📍 Museum Venanzo Crocetti, Rome – Italy
Address: Via Cassia, 492, 00189 Roma
Vernissage: September 12th, 2023 @ 17:00
Telavi, Georgia - Media coverage by TV Tanamgzavri - Telavi History Musuem Exhibition - July 20 - 25, 2023
Dear TV Tanamgzavri, A heartfelt thank you for the outstanding media coverage of our exhibition at Telavi History Museum on July 20th, 2023. Your support has played a vital role in making this event a tremendous success. We truly appreciate your dedication and commitment to showcasing art and culture to the world. - With deep gratitude, Irshad Husain (Founder - First Wish Art Gallery)

Georgia - About Telavi History Museum International Group Art Exhibition Organized by First Wish Art Gallery - July 20 - 25, 2023

თელავის ისტორიულ მუზეუმში First Wish Art Gallery- ს პროექტის ,,Telavi History Museum International Group Art Exhibition – Edition 1st” ფარგლებში გაიხსნა საერთაშორისო გამოფენა, სადაც მონაწილეობას იღებს 22 მხატვარი, როგორც საქართველოდან ასევე იაპონიდან, ინდოეთიდან, ისრაელიდან, დუბაიდან, პაკისტანიდან და ირანიდან.
Venue 📍 Telavi History Musuem, Telavi city, Georgia

ワールドツアー東京国際グループアート展 , May 27 -29, 2023 Published by in Japan

Japan” is our 4th international exhibition in 2023 and part of our ambitious International Project.
✅ 30 Countries & 30 Exhibitions!!! 🌍
Venue 📍 Gallery 21, Tokyo, Japan
Address:Daiba 2-6-1 Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 135-8701, Japan

India - Mid Day News Mumbai about Vyom International Group Art Exhibition , Feb 21 -27, 2023

Represented Art Works from Georgia, Greece, Japan, UAE and India at the famous & vinage “Nehru Centre Art Gallery”, Worli, Mumbai – India. 

The Opening:  The opening was done by the Chief Guest Mr.Shriram Dandekar – Vice Chairman and Executive Director, Kokuyo Camlin Ltd.

And also in the presence of our special guests Mr.Vishwanath Sable, Dean of J J School of Art, Mumbai.

Distinct Indian Media Coverage - Vyom International Group Art Exhibition
Georgia - Media Coverage by TV PIRVELI - The Mission International Group Art Exhibition - Jan 22, 2023
Dear TV PIRVELI - Georgia, We extend our deepest gratitude for the exceptional media coverage you provided for "The Mission International Exhibition" in Tbilisi, Georgia. Your unwavering support and dedication in showcasing our artistic journey to a wider audience have been invaluable. - With heartfelt appreciation, Irshad Husain (Founder - First Wish Art Gallery)
Georgia - National media coverage by "MTAVARI CHANNEL NEWS" about Mission World Tour Exhibition Project - Jan 22, 2023
Dear MTAVARI CHANNEL NEWS, Sincere thanks for the exceptional national media coverage of our "Mission World Tour Exhibitions" Project in Georgia. Your support in spreading the message of art and culture is truly appreciated. We are grateful for your valuable contribution in making this project a resounding success. With heartfelt gratitude - Irshad Husain (Founder - First Wish Art Gallery)

Article Published by Gza Press, One of the most popular publications in Georgia Country.  Please click on “READ MORE” for more details info. 

Romania - Media Coverage about FWAG Georgia Group Art Exhibition , Jul 30th - Aug 1st, 2022

At only 11 years old – A student from Sibiu city participated in an international exhibition in Georgia.

India - Mid Day News Mumbai about FWAG Georgia International Group Art Exhibition , Jul 30th - Aug 1st, 2022

First Wish Art Gallery in collaboration with Art Oriental Ltd, UK organized FWAG Georgia Group Art Exhibition – 67 Artists – 9 Nationalities – 100 Artworks… And gracious presence of our Chief Guests Ms.Audrey Keenan  from UK & Mr. Ahmed Al Awadhi (Popularly known as Mr. Rukni) from UAE made the event more memorable.

China - Media Coverage about FWAG Georgia Group Art Exhibition , Jul 30th - Aug 1st, 2022

2022年7月至8月期间,由Art Oriental艺术东方(英国)组织选送的数十位国际知名艺术家在“FWAG格鲁吉亚团体艺术展”上现场展出,引起了参观者及主办方的一致好评,对展出的部分作品国际收藏界将进行合约收藏。


Romania - Media Coverage by dia Ora de Sibiu - May 18, 2022

Eva Nicoleta Csiki, a student at the School of Arts in Sibiu, participates in her first international painting competition. In the First Wish Art Gallery LLC competition, Eva participates with a painting she called “A Blooming Spring.”

Well recognized and appreciated by Romanian Media – Ora de Sibiu

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